The concept of artificial intelligence was formalized for the first time during a conference at the University of Dartmouth in 1956. One of the researchers present, very active at this conference, Herbert Simon, already foresaw that machines would be able, over the next twenty years, to do everything man can do. But at the time, he underestimated the extraordinary challenges that humanity would face, by delegating to machines, decisions that would exclude the emotion that participates in any human reflection.
Although now more than half a century old, it is only in recent years that artificial intelligence has begun to make leaps and bounds. We are changing paradigms. It is no longer artificial intelligence that helps men, it is now men who assist it. It's not a word game. As we are swept into a whirlwind that demands that businesses become more efficient and more successful, we need help.
A pioneer, the whole communication sector has started to chat. In 2016, messaging applications, for example, exceeded social networks in number of daily users.
Thus were born the "chatbots" whose most frequent use is the distribution of content. The development of inbound marketing and the decline of internet banners is now leading commercial teams to favor content as the most effective means of communication with the customer. The problem is that it is created more and more. So distribution is the key to success. The "bots" proved that they were the effective instrument for connecting and communicating with the desired targets.
The other use, in strong growth, is the customer service. The "bots", fed by artificial intelligence, know how to interpret and respond, in real time, to most questions, without any human assistance. Big companies like American Express or Macy's have truffled their customer service with "bots" to improve their relationship with consumers, while drastically reducing costs.
The major interest of "bots" is that the management can now devote himself to the coordination and control of tasks, rid of all the routine content of his function.
Finally, in the field of data - the big data -, the "bots" constitute a tool of a great efficiency by their ability to make the collected information more reliable. Automatic natural language processing and machine learning provide highly accurate data and transform it into near-immediate operational results.
I strongly inspired for this post, an article written by Anne Gherini, American specialist in digital marketing. It seemed interesting, in this digital surge that we face, to educate entrepreneurs and leaders to the phenomenal development of artificial intelligence in business.
Everything is not robotisable, that's for sure. This is something that needs to be done regularly by keeping up to date with all the possibilities that exist to significantly improve the customer experience while reducing operating costs.